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We are the official platform for young people and children to organize and participate in the activities of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), through its participating governments and stakeholder mechanisms.
We have participated in GFMD Summits and Regional Meetings since 2018, sending youth participants and speakers. We have also organized Youth Forums as preparation spaces for young people and participants.
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Our annual Youth Forums linked to the GFMD Summit have allowed young people to consult and prepare for their participation in government and other stakeholders’ discussion and spaces.
We participate in year-round Working Groups as active members and contributors.
Relevant Projects
Youth contributed to the design of the GFMD-led social media campaign, and led youth takeovers on IOM accounts.
We hold one of the seats of the working group on Shaping Public Narratives, led by Canada and Ecuador at the GFMD.
We contributed to the working paper of the Working Group on COVID-19 co-led by Switzerland and the Business Mechanism at the GFMD
We participate in all regional meetings, consulting and preparing young people’s inputs, that are then conveyed through young representatives.
Relevant Projects
We led consultations with 150+ organizations form 75 countries representing 88,000 youth and presented the results at the GFMD
As the platform for youth engagement, we are also observers to the Friends of the Forum and GFMD Steering Group, where we can participate to represent youth voices in the coordination of the GFMD Strategy.
Created in 2007, the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is a state-led, informal and non-binding process, which helps shape the global debate on migration and development. It provides a flexible, multi-stakeholder space where governments can discuss the multi-dimensional aspects, opportunities and challenges related to migration, development, and the link between these two areas. The GFMD process allows governments – in partnership with civil society, the private sector, the UN system, and other relevant stakeholders – to analyze and discuss sensitive issues, create consensus, pose innovative solutions, and share policy and practices.
We started our engagement as MGCY in 2018, building off the work of One Third and the Swedish Chairmanship in creating spaces for youth engagement in civil society at the GFMD. After the first delegation in 2018, we continued to engage and create stronger spaces and Youth Forums for youth participation until the achievement of our mandate in 2021.
MYCP is part of the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) – the official, formal and self-organised space for children and youth (aged below 30) to contribute to and engage in certain intergovernmental and allied policy processes at the UN since 1992. Our mission is to bridge children and youth and the UN system, with a focus on migration issues, in order to ensure that their right to meaningful participation is realised. We do so by engaging children and youth entities in formal and informal forms in the design, implementation, monitoring, follow-up and review of sustainable development policies at all levels in four areas: Policy & Advocacy, Capacity Building, Youth Action and Knowledge.